Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Corrupt World And A God Of Grace

The past two months have been crazy here.
There's always so much going on.
But it's not necessarily a bad thing, it's good to be busy sometimes.
Especially if you are doing what God wants you to be doing.

Fun fact, we just had an earthquake around 6.5 right before I started to write this.

This past week my outreach team had the opportunity to go to Zhanghua, Taiwan for one week.  I was so blessed, and it was such an amazing time that the Lord used to spread His gospel.
Almost every day we went to the Elementary school, and the Jr High School.
At the Elementary school I was able to teach English (for the first time) and even though we just taught them fruits, colors, clothes, as well as some small other topics.. God was still able to use us in an incredible way.  Many of these children do not live in a good or comfortable home life.  Some don't have anyone to love them.  Some are mistreated, and are never shown their worth from God's eyes.  That's why we were there. To love them.  So once we started showing them love, they wouldn't let us go.  They had to always be holding onto a piece of us, trying to hug us, or talk to us in Taiwanese.

See, you have to understand.  It that area of Zhanghua, there were many people who were living in poverty.  But it wasn't something they really noticed, because it was just life for them.  The crumbled buildings, abandoned homes, and stray dogs running around is their norm.  They don't think that they need fancy things to be satisfied, or the newest technology.  But that doesn't mean that they aren't looking to other things for satisfaction.

What they look to and focus on in their life is false god's.  One of the biggest temples for the god Matsu in Asia was in this small poverty filled county.

Everywhere you went there would either be alters or temples. Everywhere. 

Every house you looked in had alters to different god's they continually worship.  (Many homes are very open in the front.)  Since most of them were young they have worshipped these false god's because their parent's did, as well as the rest of their family has for decades.  And if they left their religion, some would be excluded from the family completely.  Satan is trying to do his very best to exclude God in every way.

Satan will never win.

My God has already won.
My God is greater. 

So many places in this world just like Zhanghua are filled with people who have never heard of the Lord.  It is so important that we are reaching out to our local communities.  I wish that when I was back in America, that I went out as much as i've been going out here.  Visiting nursing homes.  Going out and finding people to share the gospel.  Listening to God's voice to guide me. There might not be as many temples in American to foreign god's, but there are ALWAYS people who need Jesus.  Their god's are the things in their life that they put before Christ.

This is why we must do as He calls us.  You and me.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit."     Matthew 28:19

We've gotta go out and preach His name.  Yeah, sometimes it's gonna be awkward and you are going to get rejected.  Jesus was so rejected that He was crucified on a cross, and all He ever did was show us love.  It's not going to be easy, but this life is so short.  How could we live for this, and not for eternity.

The world needs Jesus. 

"The God who made the world and everything in it - He is Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in shrines made by hands.  Neither is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives everyone life and breath and all things."  Acts 17:24-25